TeamBuy Products: $9 for a Set of 2 Faux Leather Boho Watches (89% Off)


TeamBuy and DealFind Hot Daily Deal of the Day: TeamBuy Products: $9 for a Set of 2 Faux Leather Boho Watches (89% Off)

Buy now for only $
Value $79
Discount 89% Off
Save $70

This deal is a hot seller. TeamBuy has already sold over 250+ vouchers at the time of this post.


  • Vegan leather gives you the look and comfort of the real thing, cruelty-free!
  • Choose from five stylish colours.
  • Decorated with unique charm and band designs.
  • A great gift for any jewellery enthusiast.
  • Tags: butterfly, leaf

This is a limited 3-day only sale that will expire at midnight on Sunday, April 20, 2014.

Click here to buy the deal on TeamBuy now or for more details.

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Buy Details
Includes a Set of 2 Faux Leather Boho Watches.
Unlimited as buys and gifts.
Tax included. Expected Shipping Time: 2-3 Weeks. Shipping & Handling Charge: $5.
Return Policy: This item is final sale and non-returnable.
Expiry Date: No Expiry

What You’re Getting:
$9 for a Set of 2 Faux Leather Boho Watches – Tax Included ($79 Value)

Materials: Layered braided vegan-leather cuff design.
Measurements: 1” D x 0.3” T x 8.25” L x 0.5” W.
Charms: Leaf and Butterfly.
Colours Available: Blue, Green, Black, Orange, and Brown.
Both watches will be sent in the same colour – watch faces and band designs will be randomly chosen.

How You Get It:
Purchase your deal.
Pay shipping charge and enter in your address information.
Product will be mailed out to you once offer has closed.

Click here to buy the deal on TeamBuy now or for more details.

Click here to buy the deal on DealFind now or for more details.

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