Extra 25% Off Beauty & Spa Deals Promo Code (Nov 9-10) is offering an extra 25% off Beauty & Spa deals!

Save an extra 25% off beauty & spa deals when you enter the promo code BEAUTY at checkout. I’ve tested the code and can verify that it works.

Savings will apply to 1 item in your cart transaction. May redeem on up to 5 (separate) transactions. Max discount $50/transaction.

The promo code is available for 2-days only from Thursday, November 9th to Friday, November 10, 2017 at 11:59pm PT.  It’s good for purchases of any amount with a maximum savings of $50.

This is a hot deal because most of the deals on LivingSocial is already discounted 50-95% off! You’ll find lots of great deals with the extra 25% off (sale on sale)!

Click here to visit and view all of their latest deals.

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