Photo Art Studio: $39 for One, $59 for Two, or $79 for Four 14-Hour Online Photography- or Adobe-Certification Classes (Save $411 or 91% Off)
Today’s Groupon Winnipeg Daily Deal of the Day: Photo Art Studio – $39 for One, $59 for Two, or $79 for Four 14-Hour Online Photography- or Adobe-Certification Classes (Save $411 or 91% Off)
Buy now from only $
Value $450
Discount 91% Off
Save $411
Choose from Three Options:
- $39 for one online certification program in digital photography, Photoshop, Web Animation (Flash), or Web Development (Dreamweaver) ($450 value)
- $59 for two of the above courses (a $900 value)
- $79 for all four of the above courses (a $1,800 value)
Each course includes a full trial version of the software for each class. During 14-hour certification programs taught through comprehensive online tutorials, students are taught photography, photo manipulation, or web-based skills with high-resolution module exercises by experienced instructors, who are regularly available for feedback. The online classes equip students with 24/7 access to the lessons and tutorials, allowing students of all backgrounds to complete the classes at their own paces and using their own learning objectives. Students will receive their certification upon course completion. Register here for an online class.
This is a limited 4-day only sale that will expire at midnight on Friday, February 15, 2013. Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!
In a Nutshell
During comprehensive 14-hour online courses, pupils master digital-photography techniques and polish image-editing or web-development skills
The Fine Print
Expires Aug 14, 2013
Limit 4 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. Online registration required. Must activate by the expiration on your Groupon, courses will expire 1-year from activation.
Photo Art Studio
The Adobe- and Microsoft-certified instructors at Photo Art Studio prepare pupils for careers in graphic design, web development, and photography during 14-hour certification programs that combine classroom and online learning. The digital photography course drills novices in handling and cleaning their cameras, regulating light, and convincing jumping beans to hold still for track-team portraits. During Adobe Photoshop classes, students survey the program’s myriad manipulation and touch-up options by applying such flourishes as modified hues and formatted text over their own compositions. Other courses in software such as Adobe Flash, Lightroom, and Dreamweaver focus on animation, image design, and web development respectively. The studio also hosts in-depth classes on Microsoft Office software to instill practical administrative skills.
Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!