TeamBuy Winnipeg Deal: $39 for 4 Months of Unlimited Bowling for 6 with Shoe Rental, at Coronation Bowling Centre ($350 Value)
Price $39
Value $350
Discount 89% off
Savings $311
In the Flinstone’s era, bowling was as easy as picking up a boulder and knocking down straggly sticks. Rather than creating your own game that will likely result in zero enjoyment, let today’s TeamBuy reward your good decisions with months of fun times. For only $39, get 4 months of bowling for up to 6 people, including shoe rental,and an hour of lane time at Coronation Bowling Centre. The vouchers don’t expire until September 7, 2011.
This is a limited 1-day only sale that will expire at midnight (Tuesday, April 5, 2011). Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!
Buy Details
Includes 4 months of unlimited bowling for up to 6 people with shoe rental.
Valid May 1st through Sept 7th 2011.
No purchase restrictions.
Expires: September 07, 2011
The Company
Coronation Bowling Centre
255 Tache Ave
Coronation Bowling Centre is the perfect place to have a fun night out with friends or family. Since the best fun is usually had when you are just relaxing without pressure, bowling is the perfect activity to fill your fun quota. At Winnipeg’s Family Fun Centre, bowling is what they live and breathe for. Bowling is great as a sport, recreation or night out. Everyone can do it, which makes it a great activity for a 5-year olds birthday, or for grandma to celebrate her 80th. There are 16 bowling lanes in all, and the Centre even features glow-in-the-dark bowling, which is an event not to be missed.
With your Buy today, you can purchase as many as you like, making it the perfect way to have fun on a rainy day, or a great go-to activity that will never disappoint. Since up to 6 people can play at once, an hour of bowling is also a great way to fit in some friendly competition amongst coworkers or for those times when beating your little sister seems like too good an opportunity to pass up. The Centre is also fully licensed with a restaurant on the premises serving a wide variety of great food, perfect to reboot and gear up for round 2, 3, 5, 10 or 20.
Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!