Boxing Day Deals‘s popular annual Boxing Day Deals starts now!

Shop Amazon’s Boxing Day Deals to wrap up some of the top savings of the year. Grab an extra gift or two and use their Holiday gift guides which will help you find everything you need and love.

If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, you can sign-up for a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime and get free two-day shipping, plus much more. You can cancel anytime if you don’t like it. I’m an Amazon Prime member and highly recommend it. It costs $99/year ($8.25/ month), but you save much more then that with all the deals and fast 2-day free shipping.

Amazon offers free super saver shipping on orders over $25.

Click here to shop now or for more details.

WestJet: Boxing Day Sale – 20% Off Discount Code (Dec 26-29)

WestJet is having a Boxing Day Sale!

This Boxing Day, choose adventures instead of things. Until December 29, use discount code: 6T9R4HB to save 20% off on select Canada, U.S., Mexico & Caribbean base fares.

Looking for a flight and hotel package? WestJet Vacations offers affordable packages to your favourite destinations.

Discount code: 6T9R4HB

Book by: December 29, 2024 (11:59 p.m. MT)

Travel: January 7 – June 28, 2025

Blackout dates: February 14-17, April 18-21, May 16-19, 2025

Offer Destinations: Within Canada. Between Canada and the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America. No code-share

Applicable fare classes: UltraBasic, Econo, and Premium

Air Canada is having a similar seat sale. Check both sites to compare prices and flight selection.

Click here to visit WestJet’s website to book a flight now or for more details

Air Canada: Boxing Day Sale – 20% Off Promo Code (Book by Dec 27)

Air Canada is having a Boxing Day Sale!

Grab the promo code and save on destinations worldwide until Dec. 27.

20% Off Canada, U.S., Mexico and the Caribbean – Grab the promo code “2024GIFT” and save on all base fares for travel between January 6 and June 24, 2025.

$100 Off Europe, Asia-Pacific, and South America – Grab the promo code “2024GIFT100” and save on roundtrip base fares (excluding Economy Basic) for travel between January 6 and June 24, 2025.

Hurry, this offer ends December 27, 2024.

WestJet is having a similar seat sale. Check both sites to compare prices and flight selection.

Click here to visit to book a flight now or for more detail

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas!

May the season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.

Have a safe and happy holidays! I hope you got what you wished for from Santa 🙂

Enjoy every moment you spend with your family and friends.

I look forward to sharing more deals with you in the new year.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours.


Ray Lau

Stay tuned for a comprehensive list of all the best Boxing Day deals! I’ll be updating the blog with all the hottest Boxing Day sales on Thursday, December 26, 2024.

Boxing Day 2024 is Coming Soon on Thursday, December 26, 2024

Happy Holidays everyone!

Boxing Day is coming up on Thursday, December 26, 2024! Boxing Day is the biggest shopping holiday of the year in Canada!

Most Canadian retailers will offer blow-out sales and drastically slash their prices. A lot of merchants will start their Boxing Day sales early online (Ie. Dec 24 or 25th), and in-stores on Dec. 26.

Boxing Day Tip: Shop online! Stay safe and save yourself from the hordes of shoppers and long line-ups at the mall! Most retailers offer the same deals online and free shipping.

Make sure you visit the blog for a comprehensive list of all the best Boxing Day deals. I’ll be working extra hard to find all the hot deals. Please help tell your friends and family about this site so they can all take advantage of the great deals as well.

Calgary Deals | Vancouver Deals | Edmonton Deals | Toronto Deals | Montreal Deals | Vegas Deals | Canada Deals